Cross post from my employer's development blog:
Want to use JSPM rather than Bower for running the example? Follow these steps. This is basically a duplicate of the [Getting Started tutorial][tutorial] on the [ website][website] but using a really simple JSPM setup. This is a very crude guide where I list everything I had to do to get things running.
Create an empty project folder
npm install
Copy server code verbatim from the Getting Started guide
jspm install
Hit enter for all the prompts from JSPM
We’re going to modify the client side code a little bit. We have native support for ES6 compiling with JSPM/Babel so we can import the Deepstream client directly:
import deepstream from '';
let ds = deepstream( 'localhost:6020' ).login();
let record = ds.record.getRecord( 'someUser' );
let input = document.querySelector( 'input' );
input.onkeyup = function(){
record.set( 'firstname', input.value );
record.subscribe( 'firstname', function( value ){
input.value = value;
Save as index.js
Run `jspm bundle index.js index-bundle.js`
If you have an error about ‘yeast’ missing, run `jspm install npm:yeast`
For the HTML, we’re going to move all the JS into the body so that the `input` exists before we try to find it. Note JSPM requires a couple extra files, which should already be ready to go.
Run `node start.js` and open your index.html page in two browsers, you should now see the input’s staying in sync!
Again, this is a pretty crude “up and running” proof of concept. You’ll have to manually run JSPM’s `bundle` command for any client side changes. Ideally you’ll want a little more automated of an asset pipeline at some point.